How To Outsmart a Liar May 16, 2014 If you have been thinking that the devil is powerless…you have been wrong. The devil is not powerless. As a matter of fact, he…
Destroyer May 9, 2014 I like to understand the origins and meanings behind names. So from time to time, I ask people what their names mean. Some give…
The Unique Factor May 3, 2014 If I ask a room full of people to shout out their dream cars, it’s sure to get the crowd going! “Bentley … Lamborghini… Maserati … BUGATTI…
Bears, Lions & Giants April 26, 2014 I remember about a year ago…I called one of the pastors of my church and asked if I could visit him. As soon I…
How To Take Over The World April 18, 2014 Yup. I thought I’d find you here…fishing to satisfy that inner craving! Your inner napoleon just could not resist my witty title…eh? I suspect that this…
The Beauty of Today April 11, 2014 I’m an unapologetic dreamer. In fact, for a long time I was completely oblivious of just how foolish, the dreams which I unflinchingly…
SuperDad April 4, 2014 In an astronomy course I took while in college, the professor, on the very last day of the semester, surprised the entire class with…
If Leaders FAIL… March 24, 2014 A friend recently asked me about how being in the public eye quite often, influences the way I live my life. As flattering as…
I found Hope. Where I did might surprise you. March 19, 2014 Hope is one of the common denominators of life. A precious commodity sought after by men of all centuries, none have lived outside of…