More Than A Feeling May 23, 2014 Emotions…where would we be without them? Our emotions and feelings are an integral part of our existence…life would be totally dull and tasteless without…
How To Outsmart a Liar May 16, 2014 If you have been thinking that the devil is powerless…you have been wrong. The devil is not powerless. As a matter of fact, he…
Destroyer May 9, 2014 I like to understand the origins and meanings behind names. So from time to time, I ask people what their names mean. Some give…
The Unique Factor May 3, 2014 If I ask a room full of people to shout out their dream cars, it’s sure to get the crowd going! “Bentley … Lamborghini… Maserati … BUGATTI…
Bears, Lions & Giants April 26, 2014 I remember about a year ago…I called one of the pastors of my church and asked if I could visit him. As soon I…
How To Take Over The World April 18, 2014 Yup. I thought I’d find you here…fishing to satisfy that inner craving! Your inner napoleon just could not resist my witty title…eh? I suspect that this…
The Beauty of Today April 11, 2014 I’m an unapologetic dreamer. In fact, for a long time I was completely oblivious of just how foolish, the dreams which I unflinchingly…
SuperDad April 4, 2014 In an astronomy course I took while in college, the professor, on the very last day of the semester, surprised the entire class with…
If Leaders FAIL… March 24, 2014 A friend recently asked me about how being in the public eye quite often, influences the way I live my life. As flattering as…
I found Hope. Where I did might surprise you. March 19, 2014 Hope is one of the common denominators of life. A precious commodity sought after by men of all centuries, none have lived outside of…